BCST Full Foundation Training
BCST Foundation Training Components
BCST History
BCST has a rich history originating in Osteopathic medicine. We will explain the lineage of all models of craniosacral therapy as well as how the origins have shaped the current practices of this work. We will also explore the current, cutting edge research.
Cranial System & Holistic Anatomy
To clearly understand the inner workings of BCST one must be able to deeply appreciate the complexity of the human body and it's underlying energetic organizing matrix. We will explain completely both physical and energetic anatomy and their implications.
BCST Philosophy
The study of BCST and its core principles are found in the philosophy of the work. Biodynamics stands apart from all other craniosacral practices and it is the basic precept that we always look for the unerring "Health" in our clients that defines us.
Palpitation Skills
To refine the delicate ability to pick up on subtle phenomenon of the craniosacral rhythms is a fine art. We spend extra time making sure that our students get full support in honing this specialized palpation skill from the very beginning with hands on supervision. We distinguish between all of the body's tides and layers of the craniosacral system.
Practitioner’s Presence Skills
One of the earliest skills we foster in our training is the ability for one to sit with a client in a clear, grounded and oriented way. We create a container of reverence and spaciousness that the central nervous system requires to reveal itself and its needs. This is an ongoing process that takes the full 2 years to master at a reasonable level.
Self Awareness and Growth
One of the greatest benefits of being in a BCST training is the practice of finding one's self. Not only can we enter into our unknown terrain in a safe and supported way, but we can unearth our greatest gifts. By learning to be in a truly neutral and loving state with our clients we inevitably cultivate a greater love and acceptance for our selves.